Women know women. Women know Men. Women just can't make good decisions when it is happening to them...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Male Crazy Texter

I thought it was a common understanding among men and women that when someone's texts, emails, phone calls or other forms of communication are ignored... it is code (and by code, I mean a blatantly obvious way) for "I'm just not interested."

I just felt the need to share the following text "conversation" with you... from a guy that... just doesn't get it.
NOTE: the way the conversation below is displayed is exactly as it appears in the phone.

7/9/2011 @ 10:41 PM: How's ur wkend darl? Hope ur enjoying it  :)
(no answer)
7/10/2011 @ 2:04 PM: Hey. What u up to tmrw or Tues nite ? Wanna get a bite to eat/drink ?
(no answer)
7/11/2011 @ 3:30PM: Hi Morgan. How was ur wkend ? Did u get my msg, re meeting up this week ?
(no answer)
7/13/2011 @ 9:18am: Hey you. Whats up with the no reply ? I thought u wanted to hang out in the city?
7/13/2011 @ 9:25am: Thats not very nice to not reply
ME: I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be rude. Its been an insane few days.
(Translation: I'm not that sorry... I'm ignoring you but don't want to be "rude" so I'm making up a half assed excuse so you'll leave me alone)
7/13/2011 @ 10:12am: Ha ok. Its been like 10 days
(no answer)
7/13/2011 @ 1:54pm: Can we plan a nite to meet up next week ? When u in the Hamptns next ? You prob found another boy to entertain you :( lol
(LOL is no longer cool to write)
7/16/2011 @ 10:54pm: Hey whats up. You in city?
(no answer)
7/18/2011 @ 10:02am: What u up to 2nite?
7/18/2011 @ 7:08pm: How are ya darlin? When can we hang out and go for a drink ?
7/19/2011 @ 1:03am: Just so u know I'm losing interest by the day, from your lack of etiquette and no communication skills. Cheers.
(your lack of social clues might help understand my lack of communications skills)
7/19/2011 @ 1:24pm: Whats up with the no reply, rather rude don't you think?
(this guy is just asking for it)
7/20/2011 @ 9:49am: Why would you flake out like that ? I thought u wanted to hang out
7/20/2011 @ 1:52pm: Hey tmrw Thursday July 21st, my client is having a great house party in Greenwich CT - chef, drinks, dj, pool etc 100 people transport pick you up and drop off from city, Would u come, and u can invite a few cute gfs if u like
7/21/2011 @ 12:45pm: Why would u say u wanna hang out then u don't even respond. I thought u were a cool and sincere girl, and not like most girls i meet, guess i was wrong . . .
ME (finally): I'm sorry I haven't answered you but I thought by my lack of response you'd understand. I just am not interested.
HIM: NO babe. U didn't make that clear (HOW DID I NOT MAKE THAT CLEAR? I IGNORED YOU FOR 2 WEEKS) last time u said lets hang out and we had a good time, so what happened that made u not interested? Im just curious. Im actually not interested no either, just so u know and don't take it the wrong way. (LIES. Why would you still be texting me?)
ME: You're hilarious.
HIM: Not really, i think u are a bit rude, immature and lack communication skills. Take it easy lil girl
(no reply)
HIM: I actually lost interest probably before u did. As

And that concludes our text marathon. Or HIS text marathon. Yep. He TOTALLY lost interest before I did. That explains the crazy texting and the retarded last text that he obviously accidentally sent. As what? I'm curious what brilliant statement he was going to make before he fumbled and let the message send.

Anyways - the way I see it is.. if someone decides not to respond to you, let it go. Otherwise, you're just begging for brutal honesty. If someone wants to see you again, they will. If they don't... find someone who does!

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