Women know women. Women know Men. Women just can't make good decisions when it is happening to them...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Sweet Nothings

There is some sort of trigger that goes off in a woman’s brain the second something cute, sweet… perfect is said to her by the man of her affection. It’s as if the universe aligns for one split second… long enough for this little spark to ignite in her the will to do anything. Even the toughest lesbian loves to feel warm and fuzzy.. whether or not she will admit it. 

Regardless of how nonchalant the phrase is spoken, you must realize that it was deeply plotted and planned how and when he was going to execute the sweet nothing so it becomes a sweet-big-fucking-deal and puts you in the most vulnerable place. 

So.. what.. he says “I don’t want to ever stop kissing you” or “why is getting attached a bad thing?” or.. you sit cross legged on the kitchen counter talking all night listening to each other’s playlists and he looks up and quietly says “you’re really the only person who knows me… you’re the only person that I’ve ever wanted to stay”… and we melt. We think.. this feels right. This is why romantic comedies are made… because this shit DOES happen. You can find true love.


So the sweet nothing hooks you and you start to think that maybe this could be it. You delete the other guys numbers out of your contacts… you remove single from your facebook profile (not changing it to in a relationship because what you two have is so secret and sacred that you don’t want to shout it from the rooftops), and you stop going out on the prowl on Friday nights with your girlfriends. 

Note: The acceptance of title-less relationships has made what I am about to say OK. 

A week later you've received ONE message from him total, cannot call any other guy to make you feel better because you deleted them...and that's when it hits you.  That sweet nothing…because of your non-established relationship or understanding of the situation… was really just a sweet way to get you into bed and leave you feeling like nothing.

Sweet… Not.

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